Purchase of Alaska. But Seward had wanted to buy Alaska for a long time. Alaska is so large that the addition of this land would increase the size of the U.S. by nearly 20 percent. so a.
Einstein primarily emigrated to the United States because he had a Jewish background, and Adolf Hitler, who became Germany's chancellor in 1932, was about to adopt Anti-Semitic policies.
It was a very hard choice for Einstein to choose to emigrate to the United States, but it was a very wise one. As a Jew, he knew what was gonna happen if he stayed in the United States. You may already know that the Holocaust happened a few years later, in which most Jews living in countries occupied by Germany were murdered. Thanks to moving to the U.S, Einstein was safe from this event.
Fearing that his small group of men could not withstand an assault, Travis wrote a letter seeking reinforcements and supplies from supporters. The letter closes with Travis's vow of "Victory or Death!".
947-586 =361
Dry farmed crops may include grapes, tomatoes, pumpkins, beans, and other summer crops. These crops grow using the winter water stored in the soil, rather than depending on rainfall during the growing season. Dryland farmed crops may include winter wheat, maize, beans, sunflowers or even watermelon.
Dry farming is cultivation of crops in regions with annual rainfall less thsan 750mm. Crop failure is most common due to prolonged dry spells during crop period. These are arid regions with a growing season (period of adequate soil moisture) less than 75 days.
I hope this helps. If not I hope it helps get a better understanding