1-A self-paced online class: <em>nonlinear multimedia</em>
2-A movie : <em>linear multimedia</em>
3-the World Wide Web: <em>hypermedia</em>
- In this multimedia type, the user interacts with the programmes on the web. Therefore, the material that comes out through this media is not sequencial ; it is not organised in chronological order. It comes out as the interaction between user / learner and a on line teacher takes place.
- This is a linear type of media since the content is organised sequentially. There is not interaction with the user. The user is has a passive role.
- The world wide web (WWW) is full of different types of texts and the user can access any of then at the click of a key. The users decides how to read the material that comes out on the web by making use of the different links that can be seen on screen.
What image are you referring to <span />
D. Spoken too quietly, the directions to the store were misunderstood.
The six things that Juliet would do than marry Paris is to commit suicide, she rather take her own life if she wouldn't be married to Romeo and be married to Paris instead. She also thinks that she should be at risk or face different challenges than to be married off to him. She also thinks that she rather be a criminal. She thinks that it is best to be tied down and be exposed to wild animals, than to be married to Paris which she hates, she would also likely want to be living with the dead people or to live in a mortuary, just to be away or not to be married with him.