The mountain itself, at an elevation of 5,725 feet
Both A & C would be your answer!
Most volcanos are located along divergent plate boundaries and convergent plate boundaries.
For eg. Pacific Ring of Fire.
Hope it helps!
->roci sedimentare , de exemmplu : nisip , pietris, argila
->sunt foarte frecvente alunecarile de teren in aceste zone
->sunt format in era neozoic
->Depres. col a Trans: -> are inaltimi > 100 m
-> Pod. Moldoveni -> inaltimi foarte foarte mici
-> Depres. col a Trans ->exista domuri cu metan [CH4]
-> Pod. Moldovei -> nu exista domuri
->Depres.col a Trans-> are depresiuni in munti
->Pod. Moldoveni -> nu are depresiuni , e neted
I don't know for sure if there is answer choices. However, New Zealand was the first country in the world to allow women to vote which was a huge step.
I hope this is the answer you were looking for and that it helps!! :)
Greyfields are vacant commercial spaces and empty shopping malls.
Greyfields are basically large objects, usually, ones that were accomodating commercial entities like shopping malls. Because of multiple factors, those shopping malls and other types of commercial entities have closed, mostly because they have been outcompeted by more modern malls that were more attractive to the consumers.
Because they tend to be surrounded by asphalt, and the concrete dominates in the structure, they have been given the name ''grayfields''. Even though they stay unused in the urban landscape, they often offer every condition for a mall to be restarted, as the facilities are there, they tend to have a good location and are well connected with infrastructure.