The boundaries where the tectonic plates meet are the areas of the world with the most violent natural earthquake activity. When the plates grind against each other along plate boundaries, the rocks are under so much pressure that sometimes they heat up and fold, creating mountain ranges, hills and valleys.
Oceanic water have latent heat or special heat capacity.
- As oceans cover nearly 71% of the earth's surface and help in regulating the climate and weather patterns around places. They have specific heat and contain salt contents.
- They trap and absorb the carbon dioxide and thus are called carbon sinks. They take up a large amount of solar energy and heat slowly as compared to the land surfaces.
Hope this helps!
You would use lantitude and longitude to help navigate if you ever lost a GPS or when marking things on a map. It can also be useful while sailing.
Both use it. Aviation uses it when they are up in the air and cannot see the ground below them. The air control tells them cordinaites they should fly to. Where-as, transportation also uses it when they need to find a specific thing, like trains finding a station.
GPS works through satiliete signals in space reflecting points on earth into your devices.
They are rather accurate depending on wether your device is working and if the satiliete is working. A form of GPS (Kind of) is sports. They use the same system to broad cast live.