Presence or absence of Pregnancy can only be confirmed through a test. It is very important to know because of the danger of hyperthyroidism in pregnancy
Ms. A could be pregnant without know especially if she is sexually active, and only test can prove that. Hyperthyroidism can cause grave complications during pregnancy. Hence the need to be sure if Ms. A is not pregnant
My answer for this question would be AGREE. Yes, I don't like to work with ignorant people. Ignorance is a choice. Ignorance can be avoided when you have the eagerness to learn. Ignorance is like an excuse for those people who are lazy enough to learn and people like these are considered a liability.
In many parts of Pakistan, economic development and job opportunities are very limited and those are the main reasons for migration. Any laws or other measures to combat smuggling of migrants and close migration routes do nothing to address the main causes of migration and displacement. What is needed, are laws that manage and regulate emigration from Pakistan and entry into other countries, as well as mechanisms to facilitate the return of Pakistani nationals.