Big stick ideology, big stick diplomacy, or big stick policy refers to President Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy: "speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.Roosevelt described his style of foreign policy as "the exercise of intelligent forethought and of decisive action sufficiently far in advance of any likely crisis.
b. To ensure that trade generated taxes for the Crown.
English financial approach was mercantilist in nature. The British Parliament established such instruments as protectionist exchange hindrances, legislative controls, and sponsorships to household ventures to augment British funds to the detriment of pioneer regions and other European royal forces.
Answer:Crime and punishment, criminal law and its administration, are areas of ancient history that have been explored less than many other aspects of ancient civilizations. Throughout history women have been affected by crime both as victims and as offenders. In the ancient world, customary laws were created by men, formal laws were written by men, and both were interpreted and enforced by men. This two-volume work explores the role of gender in the formation and administration of ancient law and examines the many gender categories and relationships established in ancient law, including legal personhood, access to courts, citizenship, political office, religious office, professions, marriage, inheritance, and property ownership. Thus it focuses on women and crime within the context of women in the society.
It's clear that one of the systems does not work. Corruption and failure are not strangers to either system, but one of them has a higher success rate to prove its point.
The first argument is pretty simple. Socialism has never worked. From that view, it is pretty clear that empirical evidence suggests that socialism usually ends up turning into an oppressive pseudo capitalist corporatism, as it has happened in South America repeatedly, or it will become a dictatorship, as it has happened in South America, Africa and even to Russia and its neighbor countries.
Socialism, to work, has to have state force using firearms to impose their will upon the others. It smashes the will and freedom of minorities, and by minorities I mean anyone who disagrees with them, and forces them, with the raw and physical power of the State, to behave accordingly.
Capitalism, though, is all about competition and voluntarism when it is not infected with the corrupted politicians that ally themselves with big companies, making an ugly son that we call corporatism. But even when that is the case, people tend to have something to eat, that can't be said about current Venezuela and North Korea.
Coastal areas that are near warm
ocean currents will experience large scale wind currents directly affected by
the wind. This is because warm ocean currents are less dense than cold ocean
currents and you may feel a lot of wind around. Also, the Coriolis effect plays
a major role.