I believe its the first two options.
To Temporarily Free The Imagination
With due respect, my name is ________ (Name of the Student). I am studying in the class _________ (Class) , having the roll number ____________ (Roll Number Issued).
With a humble notification, I want to bring in your concern that we need to move the generator. With this noise, we are not able to withstand our concentration in the classes. It is very difficult to stay for hours with frequent power cuts as __________ (fans/lights/computers/any other required equipment) stop working and make lots of noise which leads to a lack of concentration in class.
I humbly request you to please have a look at the matter and provide us with an appropriate solution to it.
Thanking you,
Yours Faithfully/Sincerely,
__________ (Name of the Student)
B: Controlling the emotion and behaviors of the others
Like think about it, if you control other people's emotions and behaviors, how will that resolve a conflict? It will just cause the conflict to get more worse than before. Furthermore, who are you to control a person's emotions and behaviors. Only a person as their other individual can control themselves. No one else has the right to control a another person with emotions or behaviors besides themselves.