La batalla del Atlántico fue el enfrentamiento naval que tuvo como escenario de operaciones el océano Atlántico, prácticamente en toda su extensión, librada durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial entre los grandes navíos alemanes, los U-Boot comandados por el almirante Karl Dönitz y la casi totalidad de la escuadra británica.
Comenzó el 3 de septiembre de 1939 y duró hasta el final de la guerra. Conscientes de que la Kriegsmarine alemana no podría derrotar a la Royal Navy británica, los marinos alemanes intentaron bloquear al Reino Unido, destruyendo los buques mercantes que le suministraban recursos. La insuficiencia de buques submarinos alemanes al inicio de la guerra y la superioridad tecnológica y numérica aliada al final de la misma, frustraron los planes alemanes desde el comienzo. Aunque la Kriegsmarine nunca puso en peligro de muerte a Gran Bretaña, causó muchos problemas de abastecimiento hasta principios de 1944, cuando la batalla acabó.
Bowing is a well-known form of Japanese etiquette and deeply ingrained in Japanese culture. The Japanese believe the head is the most important part of the body, and by bowing, they are showing their respect. Although bowing may seem pretty straightforward, it’s actually quite complicated, with everything from the depth of the bow to its duration dependant upon the people involved and their status in relation to each other. Today, bowing serves a variety of functions. Bowing is used to say hello or goodbye. You can also bow to convey different emotions such as appreciation, respect or remorsefulness. When traveling to Japan you will see bowing frequently but knowing when to bow can seem daunting for a first time visitor. As a foreigner, you are not expected to know the rules and nuances of bowing. A few helpful guidelines you can learn basic bowing etiquette while traveling in Japan.----- Answer; A because they are showing respect to one another :)
The answer is B because people from different religions co exist and try to make things as easy as possible
I say C. because the entire paragraph is talking about political power.