1 c
2 a
3 b
4 d
5 d
6 b
9 c
10 c
11 d
12 d
14 a
15 a
16 d
17 b
18 b
19 d
20 b
El dia esta ventoso.
No hace mucho calor, pero tampoco hace mucho frio.
Mis primos y yo quisimos una carta de nuestra abuela en Boston hoy en la manana.
Mis hermanos y yo tuvimos miedo de no volver a ver a nuestros padres.
Mi abuelo y yo no quisimos regresar a nuestro pais natal.
Mi mama y yo siempre queriamos tener nuestra propia casa.
Los martes por la mañana, mi padre desayuna.
Los Jueves por la noche, yo duermo.
Los fines de semana, mis amigos y yo jugamos.
Los sábados, tú ayudas a tu mamá.
I know this because I know Spanish and all my life I speak Spanish, what I don't know is English XD.
Answer: Question 1 is A. C is wrong because without much notice would be informal. B is wrong because posting it on the newspaper it would be visible to everyone even people you don't know.
Question 2 The answer would be B because Madrid is the largest city in Spain. Answer A and C is wrong because both of them are true.
Question 3 the answer is B. Sorry I can't give an explanation I have to go. Let me know if these answers are correct.