"Juan y José hablaron tres idiomas."
1. Hable
2. Hablaste
3. Habló
4. Hablamos
5. Hablaron
The so-called Bolivarian Revolution began when Hugo Chávez was elected president of Venezuela in 1998. Chávez won the elections with 56.5% of the votes and ruled the country until his death in 2013, when Nicolás Maduro took office.
In 1992, Chávez led a coup against President Carlos Andrés Pérez but was arrested and ended up in jail. Two years later, he received a pardon from Rafael Caldera, the president of the government at the time.
Chávez then founded the Fifth Republic Movement (MVR) party and for two years he was touring Venezuela to explain his political project based on socialism.
In November 1998, after winning the elections with the support of other left-wing parties, Hugo Chávez became the youngest president of Venezuela.
Miguel se alegra de que sus amigos reciclan los periódicos y los envases
Los turistas se sorprenden de que el país proteja tanto los parques naturales.
Maru teme que algunas personas cacen animales en peligro de extinción
The answer for this question would be:
a. True
True - Cierto
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