<span>Population size is closely linked to its rate of change. If the population is below the threshold for the resources available, it will increase in size ... The more distance between the actual size and the threshold, the greater the rate of increase. If the population is above its threshold, it will start to decrease in size. The threshold will be the equilibrium position so it will tend to wave up and down until it gets to the equilibrium. The reason real life populations don't do this is because the resources are changing all the time so the equilibrium is a moving target.</span>
teachers are in the most strategic position to facilitate a balanced personality development and a more adequate adjustment of the learner. ... The teacher's own adjustment not only contributes to better adjustment of pupils but is essential for his own efficiency and happiness.
In this example, john's whistling is serving as a discriminative stimulus.
This procedure, studied by Ivan Pavlov, shows a stimulus ( in this case the action of John's whistling) and a response ( the cattle run to the food trough).
Pavlov studied it with dogs. He realised that when a trainer fed them, dogs salivated. So, he presented the dogs with a "stimulus" ( the sound of a metronome) and when he gave the dogs food. After a few repetitions, when the dog listened to the stimulus, it salivated.
Attention cannot truly and fully be split between separate tasks.
It's A I hope this helps!