A child's shoe size is correlated to, but not caused by, the child's age.
Identity of the protagonist
Answer and Explanation:
The melodrama present in "A Christmas Carol" is the main element that makes this work fit into the Gothic genre. That's because Scrooge's story is full of melodramas, from his youth to his old age. In addition, "A Christmas Carol" presents a sinister, mysterious setting, with night scenes and supernatural beings, which are also common elements of the Gothic genre. We must not forget that this book presents concepts and ideas about death and spiritual life, which also allow it to be characterized as a Gothic book.
Some sounds are in contrastive distribution and others in complementary distribution.
The sounds [k] and [x] are contrastive,
[kano] 'do'
[xano] 'lose'
The sounds [ç] and [c] are contrastive,
[çino] 'pour'
[cino] 'move'
The sounds [k] and [c] are in complementary distribution. The palatal stop appears before front vowels, whereas the velar stop appears elsewhere. The sounds [ç] and [x] are in complementary distribution, like the stops, palatal before front vowels, but otherwise velar.