Read the description below of Marcos' lifestyle choices and submit a recording providing him at least 5 different pieces of advi
ce to help him become healthier. Marcos es un estudiante de tu escuela. Él nunca come desayuno en las mañanas y para el almuerzo en la escuela, come comida basura y bebe refrescos. Durante sus clases, Marcos está cansado y tiene sueño porque duerme 3 horas cada noche. También Marcos siempre está estresado porque mucha tarea. Después de la escuela, le gusta jugar videojuegos y ver television por muchas horas.
Marcos needs to eat breakfast in the mornings and lunch, he also needs to stop eating a bunch of junk food and stop drinking soda. He also needs to sleep more thsn 3 hours a night. And do his homework early on. After school he also needs to stop playing videogames and watching television for hours and instead do his homework first.