B! She is the first Hispanic woman .
Japan is an extremely advanced country, there are many reasons why japan acheived the title. Eg- the maglev train, this is the train being constructed in japan and is one of the fastest trains, it has never even been late by a second or two.... But I wont say japanese is the smartest country but it is definetley one of the most advanced counties in the world........besides every countries have theyre own pros and cons so who am i to judge?.....This one example itself shows how advanced and smart japanese in particular are.........hope this gives u a new insight about japan
The most pressing problems facing the new government were economic. As a result of the revolution, the federal government had acquired a huge debt: $54 million including interest. The states owed another $25 million. Paper money issued under the Continental Congresses and Articles of Confederation was worthless. Foreign credit was unavailable.
The person assigned to the task of resolving these problems was 32-year-old Alexander Hamilton. Born out-of-wedlock in the West Indies in 1757, he was sent to New York at the age of 15 for schooling. One of New York's most influential attorneys, he played a leading role in the Constitutional Convention and wrote 51 of the 85 Federalist Papers, urging support for the new Constitution. As Treasury Secretary, Hamilton designed a financial system that made the United States the best credit risk in the western world.