Are you going to the show? i am going to be late. see you in 20 minutes.
I forgot about the show! I’ll be right there!
are you serious? where are you? it is starting.
i’m at the theater.
i don’t see you. are you in the right theater?
i think so... we’re seeing zootopia, right?
what? are you kidding? did you bring your little sister or something? why would we see that? we’re watching zoolander!
i knew that. i’m on my way right now.
The avant-garde movements that followed—including Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, Cubism, Futurism, Expressionism, Constructivism, de Stijl, and Abstract Expressionism—are generally defined as Modernist.
correct answer. /
brain less
1. Pollution is the cause of Global Warming.
2. The doctor's office called to confirm your appointment for tomorrow.
3. Jane was cited for reckless driving.
4. The teacher called out James to calculate the problem.
5. The police had to clarify with the parent to make sure the boy was eighteen.
my effective communication skills include my confidence to represent my side of the story as well as my wonder for their side for of the story.
a conversation must posses mutual input or output one must tell and listen which requires confidence and wonder.
Answer: The sentence "Are you telling the truth?" is in active voice.
In passive it would be "Is the truth being told by you?"