1. I personally, prefer the movies, because I can watch them with my loved ones.
2. Honest, caring, always lending a helping hand.
3. Hmm, this one is tricky. It was safer in the old days, but it was also a hard life. So, sorry, but you are on your own for this one...
Hope this helps!
Answer: because his treasure is the love of his father expressed in the form of lectures telling him to work to be better. His treasure is stability and a home, even if he lets school work slide in favor of sports, just as Lemon Brown's music and honor are his treasure.
hi have a nice day :)
Vestigial usually refers to traits which over evolution have lost their main function and are less useful than they once were.
In number one Hunter means that he thinks the teeth were from the ancestor whale shark but are now useless or nearly useless to the current whale shark.
What is the passage?
lol, Parentheses are generally used as an explanation or afterthought into a passage that is grammatically already complete without the stuff in the parentheses. In writing it is u usually marked with curved brackets.
Example: He finally answered (after taking five minutes to think) that he did not understand the question.
I hope that this helps....