They were excited because the crowd could feel change happening in the air; this was the beginning of a revolution that would forever shape the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals in the United States. For example, Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) paved a way for same-sex marriage. Moreover and in recent times, discrimination on the basis of gender identity and sexual orientation is protected against under Title IX.
Use this to guide your thoughts — don’t plagiarize.
If the Virginia Plan had taken hold in terms of the new Constitution, then there would be two houses of the legislature both made up of representatives based on the population size of the states, as opposed to one house being set at a certain number of representatives, as it now with the Senate.
itz i honestly don't know
<span><u><em>The correct answer is:</em></u>
B. Great profits at the expense of cultural development and equal opportunity.<span>
Even though the plantation system resulted in huge profits thanks to crops like tobacco and cotton, many Southern states focused solely on this form of labor to make money.
Being focused on only agricultural resulted in limited development of Southern culture.
Along with this, the enslavement of blacks in the South resulted in unequal opportunities for Southern citizens.
Blacks did not have legal, political, or economic rights. Rather, they were viewed as property and treated horribly by their owners. </span></span>
Soviet-war and Vietnam war