My reaction to this quote is that Abraham Lincoln is referring to the ideal that once people have power they tend to abuse it for their advantage, and personal gain. For Example, gerrymandering. Gerrymandering is the manipulation of the county sizing and grouping in states by the Legislative branch to guarantee their reelection into federal or state offices. A typically Democratic city perhaps may be grouped or redrawn to conjoin with a vastly Republican populated area, creating a larger group of supporters of one party, and a polarized county.
4. is correct
11. It's more that Zeena is sick and was once beautiful and helpful (helped Ethan's mom ) and now while she is sick he is looking at the younger Maddie that is helping Zeena around the house-- it is kind of ironic.
12. Wharton is def. using foreshadowing, but in general she set up a frame for her narrative.
14. Yes, but also that he strikes Zeena to be a monster and darkness while Mattie is this light at the end of the tunnel. He feels stuck in the relationship and only stays because Zeena is sick and he is poor, otherwise, he would have left long before.
Republican by nature, Brutus never tried to hide his political convictions. Married to Cato's daughter, his cousin sister Porcia, he wrote a text extolling the qualities of his deceased father-in-law. Cesar was very fond of him and respected his opinions very much. However, Brutus, like many other senators, was not satisfied with the state of the Republic. Cesar had been appointed perpetual dictator and had passed several laws that concentrated power in his hands. It was rumored that only the crown was missing to match any king. The final period of the monarchy in Rome was a bad memory. The Romans had replaced royalty with the Republic and the more traditional did not want a return to such a system. Brutus was finally motivated to join the conspiracy by anonymous letters sent to him in which Rome asked for help. Brutus started a conspiracy against César along with his brother-in-law and friend Gaius Cassius Longinus and other senators. In the Ides of March (March 15, 44 BC), a group of senators, including Brutus, murdered César in the theater of Pompey.
D, But I must get to work
The words suggest that the writer is being frustrated by circumstances and might not be able to go to work--a possibility which is creating anxiety.
No clue....... what is that even, latex?