The United States was victorious over Japan in the Battle of Midway. This victory was the turning point of the war in the Pacific. Germany invaded the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union defeated Germany at Stalingrad, marking the turning point of the war in Eastern Europe.
The ad shows a skull which means that it shows that the Stamp Act is like death to the Americans. The "EXPIRING: In Hopes of a Resurrection to LIFE again." means that the Stamp Act will take away the Americans' way of living and make the Americans "DOLLAR-LESS".
david nathan along with dozens of others
Railroads approved greatly of the state governments' legislation during
the gilded age. For example, one of the biggest pieces of legislation
regarded the rules surround eminent domain. This essentially meant that
anyone was able to get private ownership of any land for as little money
as possible. This meant that the railroads were able to build and
develop on land that they had got either for free, or that they had paid
very little for.