The shared experiences can dilute traditional cultures.
Modern technology, most notably the internet, has made possible instant communication and the democratization of the availability of information and knowledge. However, as a negative correlate of this fact, modern technology tends to focus on global trends and the cultures where these are originated, making experiences uniform, which can dilute, or at the very least, undermine, the contributions that traditional and non-dominant cultures may contribute to the globalized dialogue that modern technology implies.
The Gupta Empire was an ancient Indian empire existing from the mid-to-late 3rd century CE to 543 CE. At its zenith, from approximately 319 to 467 CE, it covered much of the Indian subcontinent.
* entertainment for themselves (theater). This was all due to the earlier innovations like building this with mathema
* Many buildings were made as well as many other architectural things (banks, churches, etc); Mathematics was also a huge part of the golden age as they started to develop these skills with their leader and with their theatre building/plays. They used mathematics for their projects and to explore nature.
* Now that they had these innovations people grew in their religion because they now had churches, were growing in their knowledge and also creating more enteritis, exploring nature, and examining art. Each of these were a key factor because art game them design, mathematics gave them the ability to build, and nature gave them a place to map out or place their structure.
Born in Lille, France in 1890, Charles de Gaulle<span> rose from French soldier in World War I to exiled leader and, eventually, president of the Fifth Republic, a position he held until 1969. De Gaulle's time as a commander in World War II would later influence his political career, providing him with a tenacious drive.</span>