Inamrtaiua is Mauritania scrambled. I hope this helps.
D. set it outside and check on it every day
In order for Brittany to be able to study the soil erosion by using a simplified method of what the farmers do on the slopes to minimize it, she will need to take the pan, leave it outside, and check on it every day. By having the required shape, the soil will give somewhat an example of the soil on the slopes that has been plowed so that the furrows run along the hills. Since the hills do not move or tilt, the pan with the soil should be stable, static. Being put outside, it will be exposed to the natural conditions that cause the erosion, such as the water and wind. Brittany will need to check upon the soil every day and make detailed notes and measurements to see what the erosive effects are on it.
Mountain chains and river systems generally run North-South throughout the continent thus making for formidable barriers to East-West expansion.
Answer:P and S waves do refract more abruptly when they pass through the major transition zones separating the layers of the Earth. ... The Moho shows up in seismic data as a distinct change in wave speed due to a change in density of the rock across this boundary.