Answer: The correct answer is c. Bruising or rigidness of the abdomen.
Certain sudden illness can be related to chronic diseases of heart and lung infection.
Some of the common symptoms of sudden illness include dizziness, drowsiness, and unconsciousness. Signals of stroke or brain attack or cerebrovascular attack, shock or heart attack can occur. There can be blurred vision, sweating, nausea or vomiting, seizures, and diarrhea.
There is no symptom of bruising or rigidness of the abdomen in case of sudden common illness mentioned here.
The structure is named as Centromere to which the Two chromatids of the mitochondria are connected.
Water can pass throught the cell membrane because, the cell membrane has little holes in the membrane allowing water to go through
A water lily will have more stomata. A desert cactus will have very few stomata, because in deserts plants face water shortage so in order to avoid loss of water cacti have adapted to the desert environment by possessing few stomata.
Chorionic villus sampling
Chorion is one of the extraembryonic membranes that surround the fetus and the amniotic cavity. The cells present in the chorion have the same genome and chromosomes as present in the fetus. Therefore, some of the chorionic tissues are collected from the chorionic villi. These tissues are then analyzed for any chromosomal abnormality. This process is called chorionic vill sampling. For the purpose, tissue collection can be done by inserting a catheter through the cervix or using a needle through the uterine wall.