The themes of the book include morality and womanhood. Cassy commits infanticide not because she wanted to do it but because she had no choice. She was a slave and that meant she did not have the capacity to raise the baby. Despite this, she still made her decision to kill the baby and that shows her 'moral weakness.'
As online education provides a greater degree of flexibility, it can be less stressful to manage alongside other commitments. Furthermore, there is less pressure to engage the students, as you have the help of devices, apps, and multimedia tools to make learning a more interactive and enjoyable prospect.
1, Yes being ignornant because itll get you no where. 2.Being ungrateful or greedy. 3. learned and taught myself
They went to see a movie with their friends too.
I saw a friend across the street, so I went over to see him
They went with him to the movies and we went too.