<span>Reread these two paragraphs on the cuisine of the Caribbean. As you read, pay attention and take notes to yourself two questions that allow you to re
Dactar two interesting comments on the text.
Then write a paragraph you say what are your questions and why you chose.
Finally writes your two observations.
Definitely a highlight of the culture of any country is its cuisine element. Caribbean cuisine is rich and varied. Again, talk about the Caribbean is talk fusion, blending, mixing ... In all Spanish-speaking Caribbean countries, legumes and rice are always present on the tables, from the Cuban congrí (rice with black beans) to rice with Puerto Rican slackers. Are the traditional accompaniments of grilled, fried or stewed meats. Among the foods of indigenous origin highlights the yuca or cassava, which is used in soups and also served as an accompaniment. They also have the same origin tamales, made from cornmeal and wrapped in leaves of the same plant.
The banana is consumed in different ways. It is an important factor in several types of soups and the famous Puerto Rican and Dominican mofongo ingredient. The fried banana is very popular throughout the region, whether fried plantains or sweet green banana slices ripe banana. On holidays and special occasions, it is typical together and roast a suckling pig roast pork or grilled or fire. As one would expect, the tasty fish and delicious seafood Caribbean contribute to the richness and variety of regional cuisine.</span>
puedes darme mas explicaciones
- Yo hice
- Ellos fueron
- nosotros pescamos
- tú regateaste
- vosotros or tú disteis
- el vio
- el hizo
- yo fui
- el or yo regateo
- tú diste
¿Cuándo va a ser la fiesta? La fiesta va ser el 12 de noviembre.
¿Ya compraste todos las decoraciones?
Todavía me faltan unas cuantas, pero ya casi todo esta listo.
¿ A cuantas personas vas a invitar?
Van a venir alrededor de 200 personas.
¿Ya tienes planeado dónde va a ser la fiesta? La fiesta va a ser por mi casa.
¿Las personas tienen que ir con una vestimenta específica o pueden ir como quieran? Ellos podrán venir con la ropa que quieran. ¿Cuánta comida vas a comprar? Demasiada no quiero que nadie tenga hambre. ¿Estás seguro que quieres gastar mucho dinero? Si estoy seguro, ¡esto será fantástico! ¿Cuánto dinero te gastaste? Me gaste alrededor de 500 pesos.
¿Van a ver muchas gaseosas? Claro que si, tu sabes que me encantan las gaseosas.