a competition between nations for superiority in the development and accumulation of weapons, especially between the US and the former Soviet Union during the Cold War.
Wheat reached a peak for the last 16-month period on July 18, 1929, when the price was $1.40 cents a bushel,4 and dropped to a low of $0.96 on March 15, 1930—a decline of 31.4 per cent.
The first system the government used in the United States was the Articles of Confederation. It was considered was too weak to enforce their laws meaning that they had no power.
The best term to describe the system would be weak.
the mythological origin of Japan described in the Kojiki differ from the Zuni Pueblo's emergence myth because it bestows the imperial family with divine ancestry. The Kojiki is the most ancient existing record of Japanese history, and is vital in the study of Japanese history