¿Cuántos hermanos tienes?
Tengo dos hermanos
¿Qué haces todos los días?
Hago mi tarea todos los días
¿A qué hora sales de la escuela?
Salgo a las tres y media.
En Ojos del Salado
"Nevado Ojos del Salado is a stratovolcano in the Andes on the Argentina–Chile border and the highest active volcano in the world "
C) En el Huaca del Dragón. (Perú)
I have bolded each right answer. Also translated each answer choice so that you know what each word means.
1. What would you use to sharpen a pencil?
A- el sacapuntas ← means the sharpener
B- el escritorio ← means the desk
C- la papelera ← means the paper bin
D- la pantalla ← means the screen
2. What would you look at to tell the time?
A- el reloj ← means the watch or clock (in Spanish there is one word for both watch and clock)
B- la bandera ← means the flag
C- el teclado ← means the keyboard
D- la puerta ← means the door
3. Which of these would you sit in to study?
A- el ratón ← means the mouse
B- la ventana ← means the window
C- el cartel ← mens the poster
D- la silla ← means the chair
Yo abro la Puerta para mi abuela