The used rhetorical device is Hyperbole.
Saying that something is a billion times better is hyperbole because it is not really that much better, you would just be over exaggerating.
The best expression that completes the sentence below is A) so that.
I'm going shopping for food this evening so that I don't have to go this weekend.
This quote means that every one has their own way to do things that work for them and others have another way to get the same result So you have to Respect them because you both get the same answer in the case it is 9, so just respect their way of thinking
Shakespeare decides to tell the audience that Fleance escapes because he was involved in the witches' prophecy about Banquo, if you paid attention to the witches' prophecy, you must know that Banquo's sons are a crucial part of it. In fact, the main reason why Macbeth wants Banquo and Fleance death is because according to the Witches, Banquo's sons would be kings some day. When the witches tell Macbeth that he was going to be the king, they also tell Banquo: <u><em>"Thou shall get kings, though thou be none", </em></u>this means, although you will not be king, your sons will be kings. It was because of this information that Macbeth felt threatened by them, by killing them he could have the crown for himself. The fact that Fleance escapes, tells the audience that the witches' prophecy will become true and that Macbeth will not be able to stop that from hapenning. As a result, the downfall of the tragic hero (Macbeth) begins, because it can be seen that he can't fight against destiny.