The article is a argumentative tone/mood. Evidence of this is when the author wrote "NASA’s space program is worth preserving at any cost."That shows how they personally believe that it is worth preserving and that they’re trying to prove their opinion is valid. Also when the author says"It is impossible to list all the benefits of a thriving space program." The author has a strong opinion that they believe which makes it argumentative.
Online school can be easy or very hard depending on the person many people have a short attention span so when there given one assignment it would take then 2 hours or more because there distracted and that could cause them to get behind like me I have a short attention span and that’s causes many problems with my assignments.
Hitler used flashy signs and brilliant parades to show what it would be like to be a nazi. This allowed him to become leader of Germany. He then recruited a massive army of nazi soldiers. They were taught to think like hitler (in the sense of racism and world domination) and act upon these desires. This was mainly done theeough Hitler Youth because the younger minds were easier to manipulate. Hitler would also used flouride (which drops IQ for a time when taken in a larger dose than is in toothpaste) to lower soldiers IQ so they would blindly follow him and do everything he said.
D. ominous
ominous is the feeling something bad is about to happen. that's the tone I pull from this poem
you have no evidence or references for me to use.