By using the artist's Pointillism, he wanted to give less spontaneity to the work and reinforce the effect of colors.
Pointillism highlighted the colors, making the work more vivid and eye-catching, even with the tiny blank spaces. This technique took away the air of spontaneity that the brushstrokes promoted. This created more focused works and with a mood of control, focus and concentration, giving the work a rigidity that other techniques did not promote. Pointillism was very influential, being a highly used technique to this day, in addition to influencing the emergence of other techniques.
The drawing technique of using dots instead of lines called stippling. Using lines instead of dots on the other hand is called hatching. Stippling involves placing individual dots across a surface in a pattern that will be identifiable. Individual dots are used to imply the shape, texture, or shadowing of a subject.
This was Pablo Picasso and it was created in 1904