We just finished Animal Farm Yesterday So, here is What I think
I need more information to even know where to get started with this. What kind of art? Painting? Sculpture? Writing? Spoken word poetry? This is a very broad "thesis", and unfortunately I'm pretty sure it doesn't qualify as a thesis at all.
Nick means that people can fit into only one of these four categories, which show that no one is truly happy in their lives.
Gatsby and Tom are the pursuing, Daisy is the pursued, Jordan is the busy (too busy to care about anyone else or being a good person), and Nick is tired. He's tired of having to deal with everyone else's drama and problems.
Nothing much
I just have been feeling lonely. I have been for months now. Gosh, that's a long time if you think about it.
Why did the dog jump into the pool?
because he was a hot dog !