"Get thee back into the tempest and the Night's Plutonian shore!
On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door;
An allusion is a reference to an object or a circumstance from an unrelated context. This reference tends to be done indirectly, and usually without explanation, so that the reader can make the connection by himself. In this case, the "Plutonian shore" refers to the afterlife (guarded by Pluto), while the bust of Pallas refers to the goddess of wisdom, Athena.
All equipment, no matter how much training you might have with similar equipment, should only be used with the proper training. Even though pieces might be similar, there might be some important (and potentially) dangerous differences.
A major theme in Oedipus Rex is that the gods, not individual human beings, determine an individual's fate—the idea of fate versus free will. No matter what Oedipus or anybody else does, no matter how much free will Oedipus exercises (or thinks he does), he can't escape his fate.