Each organ of the body produces pangenes which travel through the blood to the reproduction organs to be given to offspring. This is of course false as proven by scientists.
Pugs appear to be ugly due to them being bred deformed by design, harboring a condition called brachycephaly.
Inside a cell, numerous organelles function to remove wastes. One of the key organelles involved in digestion and waste removal is the lysosome. Lysosomes are organelles that contain digestive enzymes. They digest excess or worn out organelles, food particles, and engulfed viruses or bacteria.
If it is still maintained in the human population, hemoglobin Lepore must be selected for in evolution.
Eukaryotes have a nucleus with a membrane, larger ribosomal subunits, usually reproduce sexually, and may not have a cell wall. Prokaryotes have no membrane around the nucleus, smaller ribosomal subunits, reproduce asexually, and do have cell walls.