Due to an increased population size, public health and housing became a big problem, underpaid jobs were common and they were mostly dangerous and surprisingly, it was hard to find jobs of any kind
Answer: The number of speakers is in decline. About eight fluent speakers die each month, and only a handful of people under the age of 40 are fluent.[12] The dialect of Cherokee in Oklahoma is "definitely endangered", and the one in North Carolina is "severely endangered" according to UNESCO.
The machine gun, had been so refined that they changed the nature of warfare. Tanks and airplanes had a big impact on mechanized warfare, or warfare that relies on machines powered by gasoline and diesel engines.
Mis costumbres son muchas las cuales son q todos los años selebramos navidad u otras fiestas,
pues mi familia celebra el dia del padre ,el dia de la madre, el dia del niño, san valentin, el dia de los inosentes, fin de año ,ECT.
ojala te sirva °₩°