The Lend-Lease policy, formally titled An Act to Promote the Defense of the United States, was a program under which the United States supplied the United Kingdom, Free France, the Republic of China, and later the Soviet Union and other Allied nations with food, oil, and materiel between 1941 and August 1945.
Faced with famine, increased taxes, and rising discontent, Louis XVI called a meeting of the Estates-General. This was the first time this call had been issued in one hundred fifty years. The king call this meeting because there was a widespread financial unrest in the whole territory.
The meeting of the estate general in 1789 was called in order to look for a solution for the rise of economic unrest in France. All the three branches i.e. the nobility , the clergy and the commoners were present. However this idea failed when there was a clash of interest between the clergy and the b on one side and the commoners on the other side.
The failure of 3rd estate provides a perfect ground for the rise to the revolution of French .
The Molotov Plan was the system created by the Soviet Union in 1947 in order to provide aid to rebuild the countries in Eastern Europe that were politically and economically aligned to the Soviet Union.
Similiar in that of monotheism, which is the belief in one God.