The separation of the little children from their mothers
The Armenian genocide was performed in multiple steps and by using multiple different methods. The Armenians were systemically killed, mostly the men, dispersed throughout the country and put to live in the most inhospitable places, being separated from their families etc. The most terrible feature though from the genocide, according to Henry Wood but also by many others, was the separation of the infants and very little children from their mothers. They were taken away and moved into areas far away, never to be able to get in touch again, and this kind of cruelty was really monstrous from the Ottomans.
Protecting the interests of native-born or established inhabitants against those of immigrants
To cope with the city's problems, government officials had a limit on resources and personnel. Democracy did not flourish in this environment. To bring order out of the chaos of the nation's cities, many political bosses emerged who did not shrink from corrupt deals if they could increase their power bases. The people and institutions the bosses controlled were called the Political Machine.