Triadic color scheme - the triad color scheme is three colors on the color wheel in a triangle. example orange, purple, green
Complementary color scheme - colors that are opposite of each other on the color wheel. complementary color schemes have a more energetic feel. the high contrast between the colors create vibrant looks. example blue and orange, red and green, purple and yellow.
hope it helps
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C. The style or time period of a piece of artwork
The name of the artist and work is B. Robert Smithson, Spiral Jetty, 1970.
It represents an earthwork sculpture made of mud, salt crystals, and basalt rocks, and in the shape of a spiral. It is 460 meters long, and 4.6 meters wide, but also counterclockwise. It is located on the northeastern shore of the Great Salt Lake in Utah.
Pandeiro is a light hand drum that produce a festive sound with the collaboration of drum and jingles decorated on the rim. It is also known as a national instrument of Brazil which is the center of attraction in many festivities.