You should make it on something easy, such as, if you fight someone and beat them up, the effect will be them getting knocked out, or something like that.
The correct answer is “Sedentary lifestyles are harmful and results in disease.”
<em>The sentence that most clearly combines these sentences in a cohesive thought is “Sedentary lifestyles are harmful and results in disease.”
The sentence that is coherent and is grammatically correct is “Sedentary lifestyles are harmful and results in disease.” It is clear, better understood, and can’t be misinterpreted. It clearly says that if an individual has a sedentary life, it could be harmful and the consequence of this is that there is a probability to cause disease.
The other options of the question were, “Sedentary Lifestyles are a result of harmful disease “, “Lifestyles that result in disease are harmful and sedentary”, and “Lifestyles that are sedentary are harmful and result in disease”.
Walden by Henry David Thoreau
A precursor to Granger's philosophy in Fahrenheit 451, Thoreau's classic account of the time he spent in a cabin on Walden Pond has inspired generations of iconoclasts to spurn society and take to the wilderness.
Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift
Swift's satirical 1726 novel follows the journey of Lemuel Gulliver to a series of fanciful islands, none more improbable than the England he left behind. The Bradburian idea of using a distant world as a mirror to reflect the flaws of one's own society doesn't originate here, but this is one early expression of it.
"Dover Beach" by Matthew Arnold
Arnold's enduring poem about a seascape where "ignorant armies clash by night" has also lent lines to Ian McEwan's novel Saturday, and provided the title for Norman Mailer's Armies of the Night.
The Republic by Plato
The deathless allegory of the cave, where men living in darkness perceive shadows as truth, is unmistakably echoed in the world of Fahrenheit 451.
My favorite sport is volleyball. I love non-contact sports, because you get to play without having to come in contact with the other team. I especially love volleyball, because throughout the whole game, you get to switch positions. My favorite part is serving. It is an amazing feeling, when you're standing at the back line, and you toss the ball up and smack it as hard as you can over the net. Volleyball can also be played on the beach, which a lot of people enjoy more because you won't hurt your knees as much as you would if you were playing on a hard gym floor. A lot of schools and organizations offer co-ed volleyball teams, which allow both guys and girls to play on the same team. This can be beneficial because guys normally have a height advantage, and make great servers. The hardest part of playing volleyball is probably the tryouts. During tryouts, you must demonstrate several skills, such as: running, serving, spiking, passing, and diving. Be prepared, because if you don't have knee pads, you'll be in a lot of pain. If you're like me, and you love playing volleyball, you can start a game almost anywhere. Whether you're in the gym, at home, or at the beach. A game of volleyball can be started anywhere as long as you have a ball.
Thats 227 words.
I imagine It may be difficult for only children to understand the kind of brotherly relationship that includes both devoted love and the most ruthless hatred. But my personal experience allowed me to better understand the brother´s relationship and therefore the text itself.
Text-to-self connections are the most interesting for me. Books often provide me comfort and helpful tools to apply in my personal life. The Outsider made me think of my family, specifically my relationship with my brothers. I love both of them, but family issues, mostly related to financial problems, often get in the way of us having a good relationship. We fight a lot.
I find a sign of hope in how Darry and Ponyboy reconcile at the end, at Sodapop´s request. Their brotherhood overcomes Dally’s and Johnny’s deaths while strengthening their family bond. I hope my brothers and I can someday do the same with our own issues.