Puedes escribir de como has pasada las etapas de tu vida, por ejemplo desde tu niñez hasta tu adolescencia, puedes argumentar sobre los desafíos que han transcurrido durante esas etapas... ;)
last night
Thank yo for asking this means alot for me, alot of people are inscre about some of these
M ancha de esta
A sidua en su fibra
R igida en el viento
C obardia
O bvia impaciencia
S uya y solamente suya
One of the most common cultural symbols is language. For example, the letters of an alphabet symbolize the sounds of a specific spoken language. Symbolism leads to the “Layers of Meaning” concept. Culture is the meaning that is shared to provide guiding principles for individual meaning.
Symbols help people define and understand their culture because of the shared meanings of different symbols that are learned during the process of socialization, the process through which people learn the values, norms, beliefs, and expectations of their society.