Gene flow
Evolution is the changes seen in the growth, development, features of a certain group of species during the cause of time. Evolution causes changes in the gene frequency of species from one generation to the next generation.
There are 5 important mechanisms of evolution and they are: Gene flow, mutation, genetic drift, natural selection and non random mating.
Gene flow as a mechanism of evolution is the exchange or transfer of genes between a group of species as they move from one place to another. Gene flow can either increase the rate of evolution or decrease it.
The answer is because biology is easy and they're known around the world.
1:1:1:1 walnut comb
If a cross is made between a female who is RRpp (rose comb) and a male who is rrPP (pea comb) then:
P: RRpp x rrPP
F1: RrPp RrPp RrPp RrPp
This means that all of the offspring in F1 generation will have heterozygous genotype (at both loci). Since it contains both dominant alleles, the phenotype is walnut comb.
Change in the structure of chromosome.
Chromosome structure mutations are the changes that occur in the structure of chromosomes rather than just individual nucleotides. These mutations occurs due to the errors that happens in cell division that leads to the breaking in section of a chromosome, which can be duplicated or move onto another chromosome. Chromosome mutation is the process of change in the chromosomes that occurs due to the rearranged chromosome parts and abnormal numbers of individual chromosomes.