1.Francisco feels different and left out because he cannot communicate with his teacher orclassmates. Do you think you would fee
l more lonely if you were by yourself all day or if youwere surrounded by people speaking a language you do not understand? Why? 2.In the story, Arthur is one of the few classmates described as trying to talk to Francisco andmake him feel welcome. Why do you think other students were content to ignore or berude to Francisco? Do you think they felt like they were ignoring him or being rude? Why arepeople sometimes comfortable ignoring or being rude to people who are different fromthem?
3.Francisco is faced with the challenge of learning something new. Describe a time when youstruggled to learn something. What was the most difficult part about learning somethingnew? How did you feel while you were learning? How did you feel when you had masteredthis new skill or area of knowledge?
Well the place is better because of the dam because it provides us with fresh clean water and it provides fresh clean water to the cities downstreams, plus power and electricity. however he says it harms the wildlife like for example the rare fish and animals plus the scenery. hope this helps!
The informative essay includes information that educates and informs readers about certain event, person or idea. It consists of introduction, body, and conclusion. Choose first the major ideas to describe. Proper structure of informative essay brings reader's attention and makes it interesting for a wide audience