Breathable air, Food, water, effecient waste recepticals, personal hygiene, ways to keep in shape (such as a tredmil), a space suit, a space ship, some form of music player, and probably a notepad and pen set.
Breathable air, food, water, personal hygiene and waste removal are kind of self explainitory in that we just simply could not survive anywhere without these things, being the meat skeletons that we are. As for ways to stay in shape, due to the weightlessness experienced in space, our bodies would eventually atrophy important muscles, so working those muscles constantly despite the weightlessness will ensure that they don't completely atrophy. Again, a space suit and a space ship are necessary because there's no way to get into space without them (and, as an added bonus, they contain the necessary recepticals to recycle humans wastes into usable things such as clean water and oxygen). Personally, I would like my phone or some other music player so that I don't go insane and because I need some form of ambient music in order to focus. A notepad/pen set because I'm an avid writer, so I need a medium for that while I am away.