It's located in Parc des Champs Elysees in Lleida, Catalonia, Spain
Esta ubicado en el Parque de los Campos Elíseos de Lérida,Catalonia, España
A veces Is how you say "sometimes" in Spanish. Hope this helped.
they are right the answer what you mean the first one is A and second one is b
10 say "Paco swam in the pool" that good
and 11 say "Miguel drank milk for breakfast" that good too
1. Yo hago ejercicio en el parque.
2. yo traigo tres celulares ala universidad.
3. Yo pongo música emo en mi oficina.
4. Yo doy fiestas por la mañana
5.Yo no me se sus nombres.
it makes sense and i speak spanish