Answer:el regalo es para ti.
To complete this assignment you will create a Power Point presentation with a different ending
for the legend of El Dorado. To help you imagine a different ending, read the legend again.
read the last part, ask yourself questions like what if ...?
What if someone or something were to pull the jewelry out of the lake after people
will throw?
. What would happen if a conqueror went into the lake to look for the jewels without the help of
• What would happen if a storm churned up the waters at the bottom of the lake?
• What if what people threw into the lake was not real gold?
When you have the idea for the new ending of the legend write it in your presentation of
Check your text to make sure that the spelling is correct and that you have used a vocabulary
and a style that help make the narrative interesting.
Prepare your presentation with the images and the story of the new ending of the legend.
In your narration and the images create a PowerPoint presentation to tell your legend.
For this case what we should do is to choose each of the expressions used in Spanish to reject an invitation.
We have then:
1) Me encantaría pero...
It is a phrase that usually comes with a reason that says why you will not accept the invitation
2) En otra ocasión tal vez...
In this sentence you are already saying that you can not attend the invitation.
3) Qué lástima pero...
It is a phrase that shows repentance, followed by an explanation of why you will not accept the invitation.
4) Cuanto lo lamento pero...
It is an expression that demonstrates the same meaning of expression number 3.
can you send a pic of the drop down options
I will answer this by translating it.
I : Yo - Ar= o Er= o Ir= o
You : Tú. - = as = es = es
He/she/it : Él/Ella - = a = e = e
We : Nosotros - = amos = emos = imos
You(pl) : Vosotros - = áis = éis = Ís
They : Ellos - = an = en = en