Explanation: Jews were the ones targeted specifically throughout the Holocaust. When invasions arrived, they were to be rounded up first and sent to ghettos and then transferred to concentration/extermination camps. Life was really hard for them in Europe while Hitler was in control, but they were persecuted and hated centuries ago.
Divergent boundaries move oceanic plates (plates found in the ocean) away from each other, making magma seep in to fill those cracks, thus spreading the sea floor.
Globalization is the way how people get together and integrate around the world and the way things move worldwide. The reasons globalization increases so fast are the faster methods of transportations that helps people and things be anywhere, and the internet that connects people to the world in seconds.
The contemporaneous notes are the part of standard procedure for crime scene investigation. This involves the record of the place, form and type of evidence obtained from the scene of crime. The notes will help in reconstruction of events that might occurred at the scene of crime.
Tectonic setting of the San Andreas Fault (transform plate boundary) in California, the subduction zone (convergent plate boundary: oceanic-continental collision) in the Pacific Northwest.