La Revolución Mexicana fue un conflicto armado que inició el 20 de noviembre de 1910, como consecuencia del descontento popular hacia la dictadura de Porfirio Díaz, y que derivaría en una guerra civil que transformaría radicalmente las estructuras políticas y sociales del país.
dame coronita plia
1. In Greek mythology, what was the name of mother of Helios (the Sun), Selene (the Moon), and Eos (the Dawn)?
•Theia ✓
2. Who was the muse of lyric poetry in Greek mythology?
•Euterpe ✓
3. What Roman goddesses were identified with the Greek Muses?
•Camenae ✓
•There were no other such equivalents
4.Which Greek hero killed Chimera?
•Bellerophon ✓
5. Which mythic character forced travellers to wash his feet?
•Sciron ✓
6. What is the name of the Muse of comedy?
•Thalia ✓
7. The Helm of Hades which made him invisible was made from...
•skin of dog ✓
•volcanic glass
•hooves of pegasus
•human bones
8. Who were the parents of Odysseus?
•Oineus and Altea
•Peleus and Tetyda
•Atreus and Aerope
•Laertes and Anticlea ✓
9. How many wives did Heracles have?
•Three ✓
10. The pharmacy's symbol is the bowl of...
•Hygieia ✓
" the big stick" at least thats what this research says
Answer: Devshirma and slavery have both similarities and differences.
The Ottomans practiced Devshirma as a forcible abduction of Christian boys into the elite Ottoman army ranks. These boys were taken from their families and were enlisted in the elite Ottoman military ranks. Slavery, in itself, is a violent process of alienating people for forced labor. If we look at these definitions, they are similar in themselves. A slave could get his freedom in certain situations, but he always remained a slave during the service.
On the other hand, officials in the Ottoman Empire who found themselves in the state under the means of devshirme could advance in the service. There were many examples when people who became residents of the Ottoman Empire came to the country's highest positions. The Grand Ottoman Vizier Mehmed Pasha Sokolović had just arrived in the Ottoman capital, Constantinople, with a devshirme. He advanced so much in the service that after the sultan, he was the second man of the bulky Ottoman Empire. The very title of Grand Vizier in the empire implied that position.
In general, the level of development for a country does not indicate how well a nation is doing economically as a whole, since it is possible for a majority of the wealth to be consolidated at the "top" of society. <span />