A. TO explain those in favor burning the books believe doing so is positive.
Y' = y(3 - ty)
y(t) = 9e^(3t) / (c1 + e^(3t)(3t - 1))
As t increases, y(t) reduces
This is a very complex question. Who’s fault it? Essentially, it would be the companies since they are making them for profit. But, don’t they just make them? Or would it be the doctors who prescribe them knowing that it can be addiictive? But, aren’t they prescribing them to help? Both and none of them should be held accountable.
Why both of them should be held accountable: Yes, these companies are the ones who make them in the first place. But, although this is true, they make them for medical professionals. They do make money but not all of them have the goal to make people addiictted to them. They are the ones who make them.
Doctors are the ones who prescribe the medication. Although some of them goes against the doctor oath and sell them to groups and by other means. But most doctors prescribe them to help people. Sometimes doctors prescribe to high doses of these medications, but that’s only some doctors. Some doctors only prescribe them in extreme cases. Blaming all doctors would be very, very wrong.
Why it’s neither their faults: Some people who gets prescribed these medications might sell, distribute, or use them beyond the recommendation. Blaming doctors or the medication companies would be underestimating that individuals are to blame too. Plus, in some cases, people might even fake conditions like anxiety, depression and pain to get prescribed the medication.
End note: In reality, it’s both and neither their faults. Why? Because not all companies and doctors do any wrong. There are people who really need these medications to even be able to function through the day, and there’s some who misuse it. The fact is that these medications are needed, but some people misuse them them.
John Winthrop:Winthrop was a Puritan who sailed from England to what is modern day New England. He served as governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony for many years. Winthrop kept a detailed journal of the happenings in New England. He also wrote the sermon, "A Model of Christian Charity," which basically said that the Puritans of New England needed to be an example of how to live a Godly life.
<span>Jonathan Edwards: Edwards was a preacher in New England. He is probably most famous for his sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God."</span>