Water on the earth is constantly on the move, it recycles over and over again. This movement is called the water cycle. ... When the sun comes out and heats up the water it is called, it turns into vapor or steam.
I believe you would be in Georgia.
I searched for it on Google Earth.
The answer is - water vapor released from volcanic outgassing
The earth's interior contains minerals with hydrogen and oxygen, volcanic eruptions spewed gases from the earth's interior to the atmosphere through a process called Outgassing or Degassing which still continues today. Outgassing is the spontaneous evolution of gas from solid or liquid, degassing / degasification is the deliberate removal of dissolved gas from solid or liquids especially water or aqueous solutions. The continual outgassing or degassing process releases H2O as water vapor into the atmosphere (producing rain- rivers, lakes, oceans), carbon dioxide.
Forces of gravity prevent the water from leaving the planet.