From what I see, I feel like the project is talking about how to incroporate technologically advanced gaming into education. That allows children to work more efficiently as well as better prepare themselves. Within the project you need to find a game that suits your idea and clearly state its type and how it workds. You will also have to talk about how the game effects the students, and how the grading system will be formulated within these rules. Not to mention the objectives of the game aka what it teaches and what its overall goals to achieve.
This is basically what I got from what you said, hope it helps.
Oratorio - a sacred, large-scale dramatic work without staging or costumes
Motet - a borrowed chant with new melodies and text arranged above it
Suite - a series of dance pieces
Toccata - a creative keyboard form that showed off the performer's finger technique
Oratorio is a narrative-drama musical form performed by various solo voices, followed by a choir and orchestra. Oratories usually have a religious theme and message.
Motet is is an important form of secular or ecclesiastical polyphonic music from the 13th to the 18th centuries. It refers to different musical chants with new melodies and text arranged above it.
The suite is a collection of short musical and dance pieces that can be played one after another.
Tocata is is a composition intended for an instrument with drones in which is expressed the virtuosity of the performer. It appeared in Italy at the beginning of the 16 century.
Popular music tends to have more rythym and upbeat,whil traditional music is more calming and low.