El chivo es mas grande que la vaca.
leer jugar estiiudia almorsar dormi y cocinar
Sounds like Luis in spanish so id recommend practicing Luis
Part II: Vocabulary
Directions: Complete these sentences with the seasons or months of the year.
1. The seventh month of the year is _______________________.
2. The first month of the year is _______________________.
3. The season of the year when it is cold and snowy is _______________________.
4. The season of the year when it is very hot is _______________________.
5. The sixth month of the year is _______________________.
6. The season of the year when it rains a lot and there are many flowers is _______________________.
7. The month in which they celebrate the Day of the Dead in Mexico is _______________________.
Arroz Con Dulce– Sweet sticky rice cooked in spices, ginger, milk, coconut milk, raisins, and rum. National Christmas dessert.