As a part of Kiowa among Navajo and Pueblo people who was also being guided by his parents toward success in the larger society beyond Jemez, Momaday inhabited a complex world of intersecting cultures. The need to accommodate himself to these circumstances prepared him for the perceptive treatment of encounters with various cultures that characterizes his literary work. Examples: Momaday's formal education took place at the Franciscan Mission School in Jemez; the Indian School in Santa Fe; high schools in Bernalillo, New Mexico; and the Augustus Military Academy in Fort Defiance, Virginia. In 1952 he entered the University of New Mexico at Albuquerque as a political science major with minors in English and speech. He spent 1956-1957 in the law program at the University of Virginia, where he met William Faulkner; the encounter helped to shape Momaday's early prose and is most clearly reflected in the evocation of Faulkner's story "The Bear" (1942) in Momaday's poem of that title (collected in Angle of Geese and Other Poems, 1974). Returning to the University of New Mexico, Momaday graduated in 1958 and took a teaching position on the Jicarilla Apache reservation at Dulce, New Mexico.
Thornton Wilder's who is our Town incorporates unusual theatrical devices which are for creating a play which was radical in comparison to temperance plays of the time and the melodramas. The uniqueness on the narration of our Town uses asides to directly connect with the audience and to break the fourth wall.
The design set is so minimal such that it requires the audience to imagine the settings and props. Play breaks away from demands participation of the audience and from restrictions of realism. The whole of the play Wilder builds a theme of universality when referencing ideas and feelings that transcend location and time.
Through the use of flashbacks, he manipulates time, which emphasizes more on ideas that human life is being fleeting. He represents large numbers and presents town which is far away perspective to illustrate the idea such that human life is important in the context of the universe.
This describes Mr. Harvey, the serial killer, who has killed and gotten away with it so often that he almost believes his own innocence.
Implications in an essay means what can be drawn from that essay...what was is basically about.